The BEST Muffin You Can Ever Bake Without Actual Flour or Wheat


This is one of my MOST favorite, fulfilling, delicious & good for the belly recipes. It checks all of the boxes — grain free, gluten free, simple to make, very little prep mess and kids like them too, really! Of course I put my own little “twist” on things  because well, I don’t really color in the lines too well, ever. 😉  The freedom to be as creative with it is all yours’ so have fun! I discovered this recipe when searching for treats that someone with a sensitive tummy can tolerate and came across Danielle Walker’s website, Against All Grain. She is an incredible woman who was brave enough to share her own personal story with an autoimmune disease,  her journey and how she has made healthy living for her and her family a priority. Is it an adjustment ,absolutely, but with an open mind & heart, it doesn’t have to be hard and becomes routine fairly quickly.

Ok! Here’s the link to the actual recipe Almond Flour Zucchini Bread OH and be sure to scroll though the rest of the recipes, ingredient suggestion & substitution info, she even tells you exactly where to go to purchase, which is half of the battle and can be SO overwhelming at first.  I’m all for keeping it simple!

Renee’s Fun Add-In Suggestions

I typically don’t do all of them in one batch, but this time I got a little carried away! ! 😉


  • almond slivers
  • dried cranberries
  • dark chocolate morsels (kids loooove this – and adults, too!)
  • unsweetened coconut
  • add 1/4 cup of coconut flour to the dry ingredients so the consistency is not too mushy. This can sometimes happen when using grated zucchini in the recipe.

As you can tell in the picture, I like to bake mine in a JUMBO muffin pan! Choose your own style!
