All It Takes Is One Conversation To Change Everything. Gratitude + Abundance Magnified

A little backstory about what triggered the thought for this post. I am currently reading book #3 of a 4 book series written by Rhonda Byrne. Of course I am reading them out of order (no surprise, that’s my style!!) which does not impact the flow of the books, the author explains.  The book reviews of the series itself are amazing in themselves with many sharing that these books have literally changed their life. As with anything though, use it or lose it — so the author emphasizes  it is crucial that the reader practices what they learn in their life immediately.   Book #3 is called, the Magic and is all about the insane power of gratitude and how to truly understand it, use it and experience it more than you could have ever imagined.

Gratitude + Abundance Magnified.

Today’s exercise (day #12)  asked me to think of three people in my life and thank them out loud for HOW they have affected the course of my life. To truly visualize that moment in time, speak it out loud and thank them. I closed my eyes, cleared my thoughts and focused on the thought to bring in the people who came to mind, first.

Within seconds, the man who’s name I  wish I knew so I could reach out and thank in person came to mind. While I don’t know his name, I took his advice straight to heart & put it into action, that’s how good it was.

Here’s a look into what he shared with me

fifteen (HOLY MOLY!!!) years ago and how that ONE conversation was so impressionable in my young adult life.

During my college years @ Kent State University in Kent, Ohio I worked alongside of being a full time student, like many do. I was truly so fortunate to have found a job that was considered on campus, paid well and I could walk to (nearly all 4.5 years from my freshman dorm & college house) that didn’t involve food or being a resident assistant. I considered being a RA long & hard, but I just couldn’t bring myself to having to put a stop to those early a.m. parties that I was the one guilty of being at! I would have wound up turning myself in because I couldn’t handle being a hypocrite! Just about as I was feeling the freshman frustration of adapting, juggling & stressing just a bit I came across a job posting for the KSU Phone Center….

I tried to ignore it. I realllllly did.  It continued to pop up all over the place – SO, I accepted the message staring point blank right at my face and I looked a little closer. I mean to a broke college kid, the hourly pay looked incredible.  I told myself it would only be for a semester or so, ha, ha -come to find out the joke was on me.  I officially became a student caller at the Kent State University Foundation Center raising money for KSU through alumni. Yep, a telemarketer in all of it’s glory.  Oi. I didn’t like the title (never been fond of titles), but I did like the hourly rate, bonuses & incentive program. The job taught me A LOT and I made some incredible life – long friends.  After my freshman year I applied for a position as a Phone Center Manager (yayyy, I didn’t have to call as much!), got the position and 4.5 years later I was still there, which leads me to my mystery man.

I was a December graduate and every now and then, us Supervisors would jump on the line to do a few calls,  lead by example and keep our experience relevant & relate-able.  This specific night, I spoke with an Alum who had three kids of his own, put them all through college and understood the importance of alumni support. I, personally was just on the brink of graduating and honestly was already feeling the fear of being unsure of where I was going, what I wanted to do in just a few short weeks and where I was going to live among many other things. As the man and I were building rapport, he asked me my plan — the dreaded question that weighed so heavily on me at the time. I believe I responded by telling him I wasn’t sure; but I was thinking about going somewhere for a little bit before I had to “commit” to the real world — which in itself is a whole other story, but I’ll save that for later! The man shared with me that there was only ONE requirement he had for all of his kids and that was for each to take a few months / weeks and travel before jumping into a full – time position, marriage, kids, life in general. He paid for it, that was his gift completely to them. He shared with me where all of his kids chose to go and a about each of their unique experiences. He really emphasized that NOW was the time he expressed to them to do it, because life happens no matter what and many times, really fast.

That night

after I thanked him for his generous contribution and ended the call, I decided 100% that this is exactly what I needed to do – travel. I committed, to myself. I found the place (a 14  – hour plane trip away) that felt right and I took out an additional, small student loan to help fund my decision. I put it together in few short weeks and traveled / worked for travel for six beautiful months in the gorgeous country of Australia.

I am so, so grateful for that man. The man who’s name I am not sure of, but I KNOW he was placed into my life at exactly the right time to be the messenger for exactly what I needed to hear. If I had not had that conversation and been open to it, who knows if or how long it would have taken me to leap and truly appreciate the wonderful world of travel. I know for a fact, every decision I made after that would look much different than it does now if I had not had that conversation.

My question to you is: who in your life has truly impacted your path? How would your life look if you didn’t make THAT specific decision or have THAT specific conversation? The next time you make a choice, will it be slightly different?

The mind blowing  thing is

that often, when we take the time to look back we can identify how truly one choice leads to another and we can absolutely design the life we desire based on our choices & an open mind.

On the gorgeous Emerald Coast of Miramer Beach, FL – A Winter Escape

Thank you so much for stopping by. Have a beautiful day and make sure to create more magic in your life!


